My first attempt at fitting a Continous Time Markov Chain (CTMC) to simulated data in a toy problem. Mathematical background on how to build the likelihood can be found in here.
With all the models in this notebook, I will be simulating data with the Gillespie direct algorithm (see Gillespie 1977, or here for a simpler explanation), and then inferring the parameters of a CTMC model from the data, using a Bayesian approach and HMC through the software package Stan.
In this toy problem, we begin with a simple 3 state model, where we follow a single individual, who can be either susceptible (S), depressed (D) or happy (H).
The transitions will be defined as follows:
\begin{align} S \to D & &\text{with rate} & &\beta,\\ D \to H & &\text{with rate} & &\gamma,\\ H \to S & &\text{with rate} & &\omega.\\ \end{align}To generate the data, I will first define an object for the model, named ctmc
, with attributes for the initial
state and the parameters for the CTMC. Within the class, I will also define the functions that will simulate a single transition
for the chain, and then simulate
up to a certain time.
class ctmc:
"""Class object to contain the ctmc model"""
import numpy as np
def __init__(self,beta, gamma,omega,init):
self.parameters = (beta,gamma,omega)
self.initial = init
self.current = list(init)
self.totalpop = sum(init)
def transition(self):
#First define transition movements
def depression():
#being depressed
self.current[0] -= 1
self.current[1] += 1
def recovery():
#Recovery to happiness
self.current[1] -=1
self.current[2] +=1
def waning():
#Recovery to happiness
self.current[2] -=1
self.current[0] +=1
#map the functions to the respective index in the transition
map_transitions = {
0 : depression,
1 : recovery,
2 : waning,
#Calculate transitions rates
trans = beta * self.current[0]
recov = gamma * self.current[1]
wan = omega * self.current[2]
total = trans + recov + wan
#Record current rates
self.currentrates = (trans, recov, wan)
#Draw a transition time
dt = -1*np.log(np.random.random())/total#np.random.exponential(1/total) #numpy uses scale parameter, inverse of rate
#Draw a transition
p = np.array(self.currentrates)/total
s = np.random.choice(3, p=p)
map_transitions[s]() #map choice to correct transition function
#return time to transition and what kind of transition occured
return dt, s
def simulate(self,simtime):
time = 0
observations = []
while time < simtime:
S,D,H = self.current.copy()
dt, s = self.transition()
time += dt
if time > simtime:
#record ctmc state and clock up to the moment of transition
return observations
Now that we have the object, let's simulate
some data
that we will draw inference from.
#Simulate a path in the CTMC
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd
init = np.array((1,0,0))
beta = 2
gamma = 0.125
omega = 0.3
nu = 1
toy = ctmc(beta, gamma, omega,init)
obs = toy.simulate(200)
data = pd.DataFrame(obs, columns = ['time','dt','transition','S','D','R'])
data.time = data.time.shift(1).fillna(0)
print("We have " + format(data.shape[0]) +" transitions (data points) in this simulation.")
fig,ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(12,9)), data.S, width=data.dt, align='edge', label='S', color='b'), data.D, width=data.dt, align='edge', label='D', color = 'r')
ax.set_ylabel("State active")
The above plot visualises this specific instance of the CTMC, with a solid bar for each duration within each state. With white chunks representing time in the H state. Remember that the CTMC is a random process, defined only by its transitions and states, and this is just one possible instance or path.
With this data
, now we're going to take only the observed times and the current states to infer the parameters that were used to generate the data. In the next block of code, I construct the Bayesian model in a Stan object, and using the data
dataframe for inference, draw samples of the posterior for the paramaters $\beta, \gamma$ and $\omega$. We can then compare the distribution of fit
parameters to our original values.
import pystan
stancode = """
data {
int<lower=0> N; //length of data
real<lower=0> dt[N]; //time
int<lower=0> transitions[N]; //transition code
parameters {
real<lower=0> bet;
real<lower=0> gamm;
real<lower=0> omeg;
model {
bet ~ gamma(1.5,1.5); //priors
gamm ~ gamma(1.5,1.5);
omeg ~ gamma(1.5,1.5);
for (n in 1:N){
if (transitions[n] == 0) {
//Susceptible to Depressed
dt[n] ~ exponential(bet);
else if (transitions[n] == 1) {
//Depressed to Happy
dt[n] ~ exponential(gamm);
else if (transitions[n] == 2) {
//Happy to Susceptible
dt[n] ~ exponential(omeg);
data_dict = {
'N': data.shape[0],
'dt': data['dt'].values,
'transitions': data.transition.astype(int).values
sm = pystan.StanModel(model_code=stancode)
iterations = 1000
chains = 2
fit = sm.sampling(data=data_dict, iter=iterations, chains=chains)
Now let us extend our simple 3 state CTMC model, before going into epidemic specific models.
We will model a single individual suffering from depression again, however, the individual can now also take precautionary measures (i.e. seek help), and move from being susceptible to happy with rate $\nu$.
The transitions will be defined as follows:
\begin{align} S \to D & &\text{with rate} & &\beta,\\ D \to H & &\text{with rate} & &\gamma,\\ H \to S & &\text{with rate} & &\omega,\\ S \to H & &\text{with rate} & &\nu.\\ \end{align}This time the CTMC is more complex, as when in state S, the chain can jump to either state D or state H. This needs to be accounted for in the likelihood, where a transition out of state S is an exponential clock of all the rates out of S, times the probability the transition ends up at specifically D or H.
For simplicity, we can define the set of parameters to be $\boldsymbol{\theta} = (\beta, \gamma, \omega, \nu)$. For our toy problem, let us set $\boldsymbol{\theta} = ( 2, 0.125, 0.3, 1)$, with an inital start point at S, i.e. $\boldsymbol{n} = (1,0,0)$. Note that our units of time are days.
class ctmc:
"""Class object to contain the ctmc model"""
import numpy as np
def __init__(self,beta, gamma, omega, nu,init):
self.parameters = (beta, gamma, omega,nu)
assert len(init)==3, "Number of states given is not 3"
self.initial = init
self.current = list(init)
self.totalpop = sum(init)
def transition(self):
#First define transition movements
def depression():
#being depressed
self.current[0] -= 1
self.current[1] += 1
def recovery():
#Recovery to happiness
self.current[1] -=1
self.current[2] +=1
def waning():
#back to susceptible
self.current[2] -=1
self.current[0] +=1
def vacc():
#susceptible to happy
self.current[0] -=1
self.current[2] +=1
#map the functions to the respective index in the transition
map_transitions = {
0 : depression,
1 : recovery,
2 : waning,
3 : vacc,
#Calculate transitions rates
trans = beta * self.current[0]
recov = gamma * self.current[1]
wane = omega * self.current[2]
vac = nu * self.current[0]
total = trans + recov + wane + vac
#Record current rates
self.currentrates = (trans, recov, wane, vac)
#Draw a transition time
dt = -1*np.log(np.random.random())/total#np.random.exponential(1/total) #numpy uses scale parameter, inverse of rate
#Draw a transition
p = np.array(self.currentrates)/total
s = np.random.choice(4, p=p)
map_transitions[s]() #map choice to correct transition function
#return time to transition and what kind of transition occured
return dt, s
def simulate(self,simtime):
time = 0
observations = []
while time < simtime:
S,D,H = self.current.copy()
dt, s = self.transition()
time += dt
if time > simtime:
return observations
Now that we have our functions and simulation coded, let's run a simulation and observe a possible path for this kind of CTMC. Let's plot the path of the state space over 5,000 days.
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd
init = np.array((1,0,0))
beta = 2
gamma = 0.125
omega = 0.3
nu = 1
toy = ctmc(beta, gamma, omega,nu, init)
obs = toy.simulate(5000)
data = pd.DataFrame(obs, columns = ['time','dt','transition','S','D','H'])
data.time = data.time.shift(1).fillna(0)
fig,ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(12,9)), data.S, width=data.dt, align='edge', label='S', color='b'), data.D, width=data.dt, align='edge', label='D', color = 'r'), data.H, width=data.dt, align='edge', label='H', color='g')
ax.set_ylabel("State active")
import pystan
stancode = """
functions {
real ctmc_lpdf( real dt, real bet, real total) {
return log(bet) - log(total) + exponential_lpdf( dt | total);
data {
int<lower=0> N; //length of data
real<lower=0> dt[N]; //time
int<lower=0> transitions[N]; //transition code
parameters {
real<lower=0> bet;
real<lower=0> gamm;
real<lower=0> omega;
real<lower=0> nu;
model {
bet ~ gamma(1.5,1.5);
gamm ~ gamma(1.5,1.5);
omega ~ gamma(1.5,1.5);
nu ~ gamma(1.5,1.5);
for (n in 1:N){
if (transitions[n] == 0) {
//Susceptible to Depressed
dt[n] ~ ctmc(bet, bet+nu);
else if (transitions[n] == 1) {
//Depressed to Happy
dt[n] ~ exponential(gamm);
else if (transitions[n] == 2) {
//Happy to Susceptible
dt[n] ~ exponential(omega);
else if (transitions[n] == 3) {
//Susceptible to Happy
dt[n] ~ ctmc(nu, nu+bet);
data_dict = {
'N': data.shape[0],
'dt': data['dt'].values,
'transitions': data.transition.astype(int).values
sm = pystan.StanModel(model_code=stancode)
iterations = 1000
chains = 2
fit = sm.sampling(data=data_dict, iter=iterations, chains=chains)
We know from our mathematical source (equation 13) that the Maximum Likelihood Estimate for the rates $r_{i,j}$ are:
\begin{align} \hat{r_{i,j}} & = \frac{N_{i,j}} {\sum dt_{i} }\\ \end{align}where $N_{i,j}$ is the number of transitions from i to j in the data, and $\sum dt_i$ is the total length of time spent in state i.
bet_hat = data.loc[data.transition==0].S.sum()/data.loc[data.S==1].dt.sum()
gamm_hat = data.loc[data.transition==1].D.sum() /data.loc[data.D==1].dt.sum()
omeg_hat = data.loc[data.transition==2].H.sum() / data.loc[data.H==1].dt.sum()
nu_hat = data.loc[data.transition==3].S.sum() /data.loc[data.S==1].dt.sum()
print(bet_hat, gamm_hat, omeg_hat, nu_hat)
First we will simulate some data. We will use a a simple 3 state model, a typical SIRS epidemic model with waning immunity, on a closed population of 100 people. This is similar to our Depression-Happiness model earlier, but now with 100 people, and where the rate of transmission is dependent on the specific number of S and I.
The transitions will be defined as follows:
\begin{align} S \to I & &\text{with rate} & &\beta \frac{SI}{N},\\ I \to R & &\text{with rate} & &\gamma I,\\ R \to S & &\text{with rate} & &\omega R.\\ \end{align}For simplicity, we can define the set of parameters to be $\boldsymbol{\theta} = (\beta, \gamma, \omega)$. For our toy problem, let us set $\boldsymbol{\theta} = ( 2, 0.125, 1/400)$, with an initial state (starting population) completely susceptible with 1 infected seed, i.e. $\boldsymbol{n} = (95,5, 0)$. Note that our units of time are days.
class sirvs:
"""Class object to contain the ctmc model"""
import numpy as np
def __init__(self,beta, gamma, omega, init):
self.parameters = (beta, gamma, omega)
assert len(init)==3, "Number of states given is not 3"
self.initial = init
self.current = list(init)
self.totalpop = sum(init)
def transition(self):
#First define transition movements
#0 = S, 1 = I, 2 = R, 3 = V
def infection():
#Infected transmission
self.current[0] -= 1
self.current[1] += 1
def recovery():
self.current[1] -=1
self.current[2] +=1
def waning():
#waning immunity
self.current[2] -=1
self.current[0] +=1
def vacc():
self.current[0] -=1
self.current[3] +=1
#map the functions to the respective index in the transition
map_transitions = {
0 : infection,
1 : recovery,
2 : waning,
3 : vacc,
#Calculate transitions rates
trans = beta * self.current[0]*self.current[1]/self.totalpop
recov = gamma * self.current[1]
wane = omega * self.current[2]
#vac = nu * self.current[1] * self.current[0]/self.totalpop
total = trans + recov + wane #+ vac
#Record current rates
self.currentrates = (trans, recov, wane)
#Draw a transition time
dt = -1*np.log(np.random.random())/total#np.random.exponential(1/total) #numpy uses scale parameter, inverse of rate
#Draw a transition
p = np.array(self.currentrates)/total
s = np.random.choice(3, p=p)
map_transitions[s]() #map choice to correct transition function
#return time to transition and what kind of transition occured
return dt, s
def simulate(self,simtime):
time = 0
observations = []
while time < simtime:
S,I,R = self.current.copy()
dt, s = self.transition()
time += dt
if time > simtime:
return observations
Now that we have our functions and simulation coded, let's run a simulation and observe a possible path for this kind of CTMC, or epidemic. Let's see how the state space looks after 100 days.
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd
init = np.array((95,5,0))
beta = 2
gamma = 0.125
omega = 1/20
toy = sirvs(beta, gamma, omega, init)
obs = toy.simulate(100)
data2 = pd.DataFrame(obs, columns = ['time','dt','transition','S','I','R'])
fig,ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(12,9))
ax.plot(data2.time, data2.S, label='S')
ax.plot(data2.time, data2.I, label='I', color = 'r')
ax.plot(data2.time, data2.R, label='R', color='g')
ax.set_ylabel("Number of people")
Now that we have our data, let's see how we would do inference. As a reminder, the parameters we want to be inferring are $\boldsymbol{\theta} = (\beta, \gamma, \omega)$.
import pystan
stancode = """
functions {
real ctmc_lpdf( real dt, real bet, real total) {
return log(bet) - log(total) + exponential_lpdf( dt | total);
data {
int<lower=0> N; //length of data
int<lower=1> Pop; //total size of population
real<lower=0> dt[N]; //time
int<lower=0> Sus[N];
int<lower=0> I[N];
int<lower=0> R[N];
int<lower=0> transitions[N]; //transition code
parameters {
real<lower=0> bet;
real<lower=0> gamm;
real<lower=0> omega;
model {
int state;
real total;
bet ~ gamma(1,1.5);
gamm ~ gamma(1,1.5);
omega ~ gamma(1,1.5);
for (n in 1:N){
state = transitions[n];
total = bet*Sus[n]*I[n] / Pop + gamm*I[n] + omega*R[n];
if (state == 0) {
dt[n] ~ ctmc(
bet*Sus[n]*I[n] / Pop,
else if (state == 1) {
dt[n] ~ ctmc(
gamm * I[n],
else if (state == 2) {
dt[n] ~ ctmc(
omega * R[n],
data_dict = {
'N': data2.shape[0],
'Pop': sum(init),
'dt': data2['dt'].values,
'Sus': data2.S.values.astype(int),
'I': data2.I.values.astype(int),
'R': data2.R.values.astype(int),
'transitions': data2.transition.astype(int)
sm = pystan.StanModel(model_code=stancode)
iterations = 1000
chains = 2
fit = sm.sampling(data=data_dict, iter=iterations, chains=chains)